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Minor surgery

Lumps and skin cysts removal

Falcon medical aesthetic clinic is cqc registered to offer lump and cyst removal services, and so we adhere to very high standards of clinical practice.

The doctor will examine the cyst or lump and then local anaesthetic is applied to the area, after which it is surgically removed. We aim to minimise any scarring from this as much as possible.

Costs vary depending on how many lesions and what treatment is needed, but generally from £200

Wart removal

Warts are skin growths commonly on the feet and the hands. These can be removed using freezing (cryotherapy) where liquid nitrogen is sprayed onto the wart, burning (electrocautery) where the wart is burned off, or cut out using surgery. The doctor will discuss with you which option is best.

Costs vary depending on how many lesions and what treatment is needed, but generally from £200

Skin tag removal

Skin tags can be removed using electrocautery or surgery, and is usually a very quick and effective procedure

Costs vary depending on how many lesions and what treatment is needed, but generally from £200

Mole removal

Your mole will be examined under a dermascope by our doctor and then removed either through curettage and cautery ( where the mole is shaved off after being burned ), or surgery (cut out and then closed with stitches). If the doctor feels the mole needs further testing, this will be referred to a specialist centre. If you are having the mole removed the cost of the consultation will be deducted from the treatment cost.

Generally most moles are permanently removed and do not regrow

Costs vary depending on how many lesions and what treatment is needed, but generally from £200

Private cosmetic treatments in Purley, Surrey

Why not contact us today to make an appointment or discuss how we may be able to help you.

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