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Under Arm Sweating

underarmYour treatment will be in the strictest confidence in a private and personal environment.

Treatment of underarm sweating costs £500.00

Advances in the pharmaceutical industry have allowed very pure Botulinum Toxin to be manufactured and doses to be accurately measured for medical use.

As sweat glands are in the skin itself, injection of this solution, Botulinum Toxin, into the skin causes a blocking of the impulses from the sympathetic nervous system and so sweating should reduce. The amount of sweating is reduced by three or four times that which you sweat normally. This large reduction usually results in the treated patients going from an unacceptable level of sweating to a very small amount which is easily coped with.

Sweating can return after 3 – 7 months. Further injections can be given and each subsequent injection reduces sweating and generally speaking the time between treatments can increase, although not with all people. There can be a transient phase after treatment which causes other areas to sweat, most commonly the back and chest area, this normally settles within a short period of time and tends to be less troublesome with subsequent treatments.

Treatment is carried out by the insertion of a very fine needle into the area’s affected and this is determined by a starch iodine test.

Bruising can happen after treatment but is not overly common.

We always do a full medical health check and answer any questions and concerns as thoroughly as possible.

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