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Body contouring

Fat dissolving injections

Work by breaking down fat cells. The cells that have been broken down are then eliminated through the lymphatic system of the body.

They are used to help eliminate stubborn body fat that will not disappear with just exercising and eating well balanced diet. They can be administered over the entire body, eg hips, saddle bags, thighs, stomach, knees and more.

It is most commonly used for the double chin area, helping to remove stubborn pockets of fat here creating a more defined jaw and chin area.
A treatment with fat dissolving injections does not result in weight loss, healthy nutrition as well as an exercise regimen are a necessity to ensure success of the treatment.

The treatment is virtually pain free as fat tissue is almost free of sensation and an additional anaesthetic is used with the treatment. A course of a few treatments 6-8 weeks apart are necessary for some patients, but visible results are achieved even after one treatment, and is sometimes all that is needed. After having treatment the results are normally visible 4-6 weeks after. The results will be permanent as long as you maintain a constant weight, exercise regularly and eat a healthy balanced diet.

Your attending doctor will answer all of your questions during a personal consultation and consider whether a treatment with fat dissolving injections are advisable. One area (stomach, love handles, back, thighs, double chin etc) is priced at £200, and discounts are given the more areas treated.

Private cosmetic treatments in Purley, Surrey

Why not contact us today to make an appointment or discuss how we may be able to help you.

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