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IV Vitamin Infusions

Falcon Medical aesthetic Clinic provides IV Vitamin infusions which are designed for wellness.

Nearly half of men and women over the age of 25 use an oral multivitamin supplement. However, the absorption rates of these are only 20%, which means you are only receiving 20% benefit from the vitamins. IV infusion delivers a 90% absorption rate, which therefore gives a much higher level of vitamins and minerals in your body than if you got them from food and supplements.

It is important to note that these infusions are designed for wellness, we are not making medical claims or curing medical conditions.


  1. Wellness – Improve immunity, boost energy levels, improve symptoms of depression, improve anxiety, reduce migraine symptoms, improve asthma symptoms, combat fatigue
  2. Strengthen hair, nails, skin, eyes, brighten skin, reduce appearance of wrinkles, slow the ageing process,
  3. Improve athletic performance – provide fast and effective hydration, reduce recovery time, support muscle recovery, flush out free radicals naturally produced by exercise
  4. Fast relief to dehydration- for example excessive alcohol consumption which leads to hangover symptoms like headaches, fatigue, dizziness, nausea and vomiting, muscle aches. These symptoms can be improved with the hydration from IV vitamin infusions
  5. Can support healthy weight loss – Our weight loss IV treatment is formulated with a blend of vitamins, fluids and fat burning compounds that help your body break down fat naturally and burn calories faster. However this therapy is not a weight loss solution on its own and must be used in conjunction with healthy eating and exercise.

We offer the following type of IV drips

  1. Anti aging (cernevit, B12, magnesium, vitamin c, glutathione)
  2. Skin lightening and brightening ( vitamin c, glutathione)
  3. Wellness (contains cernevit, vitamin b12, magnesium)
  4. Sports performance ( b12, magniesum, cernevit)
  5. Total hydration (B12, magnesium, vitamin c)

Treatment takes between 30 – 60 mins

Prices from £150-500

Private cosmetic treatments in Purley, Surrey

Why not contact us today to make an appointment or discuss how we may be able to help you.

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